30 Oct #stayathome 2.0 – How to get through the second lockdown
youDRESSED Redaktion
We are in the middle of the second lockdown. Actually, this is something that none of us remembers well. After all, you can hardly do more than just sit at home. But we from the editorial office have come up with something again to make these four weeks go by quickly.
We could, of course, show you again individual activities that do not give you any room for interpretation, but we do not want that. After all, everyone is different and that’s why we present you ideas here that everyone can use.
1. Getting Christmas presents
Don’t forget, in a few weeks it will be Christmas. So this Lockdown light is just what you need. Instead of staring at walls or getting lost in your home office, you now have enough time to find suitable presents for your loved ones. Or how about something self-made. You’ll pass the time with it and in the end you’ll make someone happy.
2. Start new routines
Is there something that bothers you about your everyday life or what you always wanted to integrate into your day? Then now is the right time to start. Studies show that the brain needs 21 days to learn a new behavior and 66 days for the new behavior to become an automatism. Well, the lockdown has been imposed “only” for 4 weeks, but this time is enough to internalize the new behavior. So let’s go!
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Ein Beitrag geteilt von Juliane | Journaling & Mindset (@juliane.tranacher) am
3. Learn something new
Can you do a handstand? Do your plants still live 8 weeks after you bought them? Can you draw well? Can you run 10 kilometers without a break? Yes? Then congratulations! If not, not bad. Why don’t you learn it now?A lot can happen in 30 days. If you start today, you’ll be proud of yourself in four weeks. That’ s what we promise you.
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Ein Beitrag geteilt von YOGA & FIT LIFESTYLE (@madymorrison) am
Maybe after the four weeks you can post vacation pictures like Mady Morrison.
So, whether you want to be proud of yourself in four weeks, want to optimize your everyday life or just want to have your Christmas presents on time and without stress, just start now!
Source Cover Image: Unsplash/ Juja Han